General Terms and Conditions

1. Scope of application

The General Terms and Conditions are material points of all current and future contracts between TTN and its clients, even if no explicit reference is made to them when concluding future contracts.

The TTN name refers to a company or person that has acquired the licensing rights to operate the Translation Management System (TMS) software developed by Extran Ltd. to run a TTN Center and that has accepted an order from a client.

The provisions contained in these General Terms and Conditions are only null and void when other stipulations have been explicitly agreed upon. Such stipulations are only valid if they are confirmed in writing by TTN.

2. Placing translation orders

Translation orders must be placed in writing. A translation agreement only enters into effect after the TTN Center confirms it in writing. The registration of a translation job on the website is deemed to be a written confirmation. Confirmations and tenders sent automatically by the TTN host are deemed to be in writing, even when the relevant forms bear no signature.

3. Payment

The translation fees are determined by our current list of prices.

We reserve the right to change our prices without previous notice.

If the text to be translated is available in electronic format, the invoice is based on the original file. Texts that are unavailable in electronic format or are sent to TTN as faxes are billed based on the translated file. TTN retains the right to charge a higher line price for texts that are not sent in electronic format.

TTN invoices translations based on a line count. A line contains 50 characters. All ASCII characters above 32 are billed; these are all printable characters that appear as text. The character count is based on the original or translated text file converted to ASCII format. The fee is calculated by dividing the number of characters by 50 and multiplying the result by the applicable line price.

Editing or proofreading jobs are billed on an hourly basis.

Cost estimates made before the full text is submitted are not binding.

A minimum charge is leveled for small translation and editing jobs. Every time the client makes a change to the original text after the order is placed, the minimum charge will be leveled.

TTN retains the right to demand a prepayment before taking on a translation job.

4. Value added tax

In the case of clients domiciled in Switzerland or whose billing address is in Switzerland, TTN charges the value added tax required by the Swiss government in addition to the fee stated in the cost estimate.

5. Delivery deadlines

The delivery deadline for translations or revisions can only be set definitely after we receive the original. Preliminary deadlines are not binding. Only deadlines confirmed by the TTN Host are valid.

The first time a new client places an order, the deadline will only begin to be in effect after a TTN staff member receives an order confirmation by telephone. When a client places an order for the first time electronically, TTN checks his or her identity by telephone for reasons of safety.

Rush jobs are subject to a surcharge. When TTN receives an order in electronic format, the TTN Host uses a calculation algorithm to set the amount of the surcharge based on the source file. If an order is received in a non-electronic format, the surcharge is calculated based on the translated text. Information provided by TTN before it receives an order in electronic format or the translation is completed is not binding.

Texts that constitute a thematic unit should be sent together as a single translation order. If the client divides an order into several separate parts in order to avoid the rush job surcharge, we retain the right to have the job done by different translators. In such cases, TTN shall not be held responsible for possible terminological or stylistic inconsistencies.

If TTN fails to meet the deadline that was agreed upon, the client should set an appropriate deadline extension. If TTN fails to meet the extended deadline, the client may withdraw the order. Any other claims, particularly claims for damages, are excluded.

If TTN fails to meet the agreed deadline due to force majeure (natural disaster, the translator falling ill, data transfer disruption, interruption of postal service, power cuts, or other malfunctions), we may withdraw from the contract or deliver the translation within a reasonable period of time in light of the circumstances.

If TTN fails to meet an agreed deadline, it will only be in default after receipt of a written warning and after the deadline contained therein is expired.

6. Liability and warranty

All our translators are professionally qualified, translate into their mother tongue, and employ generally accepted terminology. Clients who wish specific terms to be used should provide TTN with the appropriate terminological support. The client should proofread translations intended for publication before they go into print.

The clients has the right to demand spelling mistakes or typos to be corrected free of charge. All other claims are excluded.

Complaints about mistakes in a translation should be made in writing. The client shall only have a right to demand corrections free of charge if TTN acknowledges the mistake or mistakes. Other warranty claims, such as cancellation of contract or damages, are excluded.

If TTN fails to meet its obligation to correct the text within an appropriate period of time, the client may withdraw from the contract without a right to make any further claims.

7. Licensing rights

The TTN host system is a product of Extran Ltd., Geneva, Switzerland. Extran Ltd. retains all copyrights and author’s rights.

Extran Ltd. accepts no liability whatsoever for data loss or other damage that may occur from the use the TTN host system.

8. Copyright

The client may not make TTN liable for claims from third parties in the event that a translation delivered by TTN constitutes an infringement of the third parties’ rights (such as copyrights, patents, etc.).

9. Password

A password is necessary to download translations from the TTN host. In the event that a client forgets or loses his password, it will only be given to him in writing. The Translation Manager responsible for that client may only make an exception with the prior written permission of the Management of Extran Ltd.

10. Confidentiality

As a rule, TTN handles all orders with the strictest confidentiality. The confidentiality obligation applies both to TTN employees and freelance translators working with TTN.

11. Liability

TTN is not liable for the loss of texts and documents due to theft, fire, floods, storms or data transmission errors, provided that the loss is not intentional or negligent.

12. Cancellation, non-performance

In the event that a client withdraws an order without explicit contractual or legal authorization, TTN has a right to demand compensation for the part of the order that has already been completed as well as compensatory damages amounting to 50% of the order for the part that has not yet been completed.

13. Payment, due date

Unless there is an agreement stating otherwise, TTN must be paid within 30 days after the invoice was made out.

14. Place of fulfillment and jurisdiction

The place of fulfillment and the place of jurisdiction are identical with the domicile of the company accepting the contract which has acquired the licensing rights to run a TTN center.

Orders from international (non-Swiss) customers are subject to the laws of the country in which the company taking on the order is domiciled.

In the event that any provisions of this contract become null and void, the remaining provisions shall not be affected and shall remain in effect.