Online orders

TTN offers an online ordering system for the principal European languages. It is extraordinarily user-friendly: You go to with your Web browser and click on "Send Translation Order" on the startpage. The following form appears on your screen:

Click the browse button and select the file you wish to have translated in the file selection window.

After you have selected the file, choose your target language. Sending large files can take several minutes. After the transfer is completed, the program determines the target language, calculates the price and proposes seven deadlines from which you can select one.

Click on "Select your own" if you want to select a deadline that is not on the proposed list. By means of the clendar you can select the deadline that you want.


The parameters for calculating the prices and deadlines must be set individually for each client. A news agency, PR firm or weather station has different delivery deadline requirements from a law firm or technical department. Fast translations are our business: Contact your Translation Manager. He will inform you about all available options and will configure your accounts so that they will be tailored precisely to your needs.

After you have selected the deadline you must confirm the order:

In the bottom field you can enter a comment for the translators or Translation Managers.

The Translation Archives option on the startpage allows you to inform yourself about the current status of any order at any time.

In the Translation Archives you will find, besides the files transferred electronically, all orders you have sent by e-mail, fax or regular mail. Thus you can check at any time whether your orders were recorded correctly in the database or whether their deadlines meet your requirements.